API Client

Digicert Metadata Sync

A tool to automatically synchronize metadata fields and their content from DigiCert to Keyfactor. This utility is indented to be used in conjunction with the Digicert AnyGateway and adds to the information already synchronized by the gateway.

Github Repository

EJBCA Vault PKI Secrets Engine

EJBCA PKI Engine and Backend for HashiCorp Vault. Used to issue, sign, and revoke certificates using the EJBCA CA via HashiCorp Vault

Entrust Enrollment Validation

This integration creates a custom workflow step to validate Entrust enrollments.

Keyfactor Command Utility (kfutil)

kfutil is a go-lang CLI wrapper for Keyfactor Command API. It also includes other utility/helper functions around automating common Keyfactor Command operations.


cert-manager external issuer for EJBCA


EJBCA Enrollment API client library for Go applications

Github Repository


An implementation of the Kubernetes CSR signing API that routes Certificate Signing Requests from the cluster to the EJBCA Enrollment API

Github Repository


Various example windows scheduler service powershell scripts that will add update devices to the associated Cloud Iot Service providers based on metadata changes or revocation/expiry of the associated certificate


A Vault plugin that allows Vault to use Keyfactor Command as a CA and issue certificates.